Ahmed Ehab is an Arab Egyptian born & raised in Qatar. A youth leader, trainer, poet & activist in the community regarding youth efforts, education & anti-corruption. He is a Global Youth Ambassador at World at School initiative that launched in 2013 working with UN to make education the number one priority through campaigns and leading initiatives in the society. He is the co-founder of Corruption Free Society initiative, the best initiative in the Middle East and North Africa for anti-corruption 2015 according to Transparency International. He was one of the former representatives of Global Change Makers network, was in leading position of the creation of Time Bank project that got the prize of best Youth Project in the state of Qatar 2011. Something interesting about Ahmed that he is former karate champion. Ahmed’s mission is to make an effective contribution in building a better society and directing his international experience in the development of young people.
One world in one backpack
Ahmed Ehab előadását One world in one backpack címmel 2016. október 15-én, 18:20-kor hallhattad Debrecenben, a Vojtina Bábszínházban.