Előadóink 2015

Roni Porat

Roni Porat was born in 1958, married to Naama and a father to 4 boys. The variety of his professional talents are based on his exceptional interpersonal communication abilities, which enable him to communicate naturally with a variety of audiences of all age groups and sectors. Roni perfected his unique way of communicating during ten years in which travelled all over Europe as a street performer, musician, juggler and magician, during the 1980's. Roni is a leader in his native Israel in the arena of creativity and innovation on the concert stage. He’s a frequent guest composer and conductor for the world-renowned Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra. Roni’s motto for self-management and leadership is "Be the person that you would want to follow."

Lead and conduct your inner orchestra

Roni Porat előadását Lead and conduct your inner orchestra címmel 2015. október 17-én hallhattad Debrecenben, a Vojtina Bábszínházban.

művészet zene kommunikáció

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